آخر خبر بخصوص مستحقات عمال وموظفي شركة سعودي أوجيه
أخبار تتحدث عن قرب صرف مستحقات عمال وموظفي #شركة سعودي أوجيه# وهذا ما قاله بعض الموظفين الذينكانوا يشتغلون بالشركة والذين تأكدوا بأنفسهم من محكمة التنفيذ:
#اخبار شركة سعودي أوجيه# |
أكد موظف من شركة سعودي أوجيه
المالكة لرئيس الوزراء اللبناني
سعد الحريري عن طريق تسجيل صوتي
على الوتساب بأن محكمة التنفيذ
بالملز تشتغل في ملفات #سعودي أوجيه#
بعدما قام باستفسارات في هذا
الموضوع من موظفي محكمة التنفيذ
الذين أخبره بأن القرارات أصدرت
لدفع المستحقات وخلال شهر تقريبا
سيستلم العمال والموظفين الشيكات
وقد أخبره شخص يشتغل بالمحكمة
وهو المسؤول عن الصديقات على
الشيكات الخاصة بالعمال والموظفين
وقال له:"بشر كل اللي معاك والذين
تعرفهم إن كل الناس حتستلم شيكاتهم
في خلال اسبوعين، ثلاثة، شهر بالكثيراوي وقرار الصرف صدر"
كما أخبره أيضا بأن المحكمة تعتمد على
ب 900 طلب اي انهم يشتغلون على
900 طلب ب 900
The latest news regarding the benefits of Saudi Oger workers and employees
News about the close payment of dues of workers and employees of # Saudi Oger # This is what some of the employees who worked for the company and who confirmed themselves from the Court of Implementation
A Saudi Oger employee confirmed The owner of the Lebanese prime m...More
A Saudi Oger employee confirmed
The owner of the Lebanese prime minister
Saad Hariri by voice recording
On the attribution that the Court of Execution
Malz works in files # Saudi Oger #
After making inquiries in this
Subject of the staff of the Court of Implementation
Who told him that the decisions had been issued
For the dues girl and in about a month
Workers and employees will receive checks
He was told by someone who worked in the court
He is responsible for the girlfriends
Checks for workers and employees
And he said to him, "Praise all who are with you and who
You know that all people have received their checks
In two weeks, three, a month with a lot
Owe and the exchange decision issued "
He also told him that the court relied on
B 900 requests which they are working on
900 requests for 900
A Saudi Oger employee confirmed
The owner of the Lebanese prime minister
Saad Hariri by voice recording
On the attribution that the Court of Execution
Malz works in files # Saudi Oger #
After making inquiries in this
Subject of the staff of the Court of Implementation
Who told him that the decisions had been issued
For the dues girl and in about a month
Workers and employees will receive checks
He was told by someone who worked in the court
He is responsible for the girlfriends
Checks for workers and employees
And he said to him, "Praise all who are with you and who
You know that all people have received their checks
In two weeks, three, a month with a lot
Owe and the exchange decision issued "
He also told him that the court relied on
B 900 requests which they are working on
900 requests for 900